President: Catherine Ortega
Vice President: Amanda White
Co-Vice President: John Bregar
Secretary: Kristi Streiffert
Treasurer: Kurt Hillman
Membership Coordinator: Katy Shirley
Events Coordinator: Andrea Avantaggio
Christmas Bird Count Coordinator: Ryan Votta
Spring Bird Count Coordinator: Susan Allerton
Our partners
Animas River Wetland (Patti Zink)
San Juan Mountains Association
Zink's Pond (Jerry and Karen Zink)

Our Mission: To encourage appreciation, foster enjoyment, and share knowledge of birds and their habitats and to promote biodiversity and healthy, sustainable bird populations.
Primary goals that support our mission:
Monitor local populations through annual spring counts, the Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count, and contributions to eBird.
Encourage education and stewardship of land through connections with the community.
Provide education about bird habitat and bird populations through expert presentations that are open to the community.
Offer educational and fun field trips.
Provide assistance with bird identification.
Offer assistance to visitors and tourists.
Maintain an educational and informative website.
Maintain email venue for prompt sharing of information, e.g., unusual bird sightings.